Restylane, Restylane Silk, and Restylane Lyft?

What are the Differences? Restylane® is an incredibly versatile dermal filler that can improve the appearance of almost everything, from crow’s feet to neck lines to thin lips. It’s so versatile, in fact, that Restylane developed additional versions—Restylane Lyft and...

Can Dermal Fillers Fix Acne Scars?

The Answer is Maybe. If you have acne scarring, you’ve most likely done online research to find the best treatments for it. You may have asked around. You probably have a cabinet full of corrective serums and creams. Now you’re ready to get serious about getting rid...

Aftercare Routine for Restylane Treatments

What You Need to Know about Aftercare for the Best Restylane Results You’re thinking about having a Restylane® treatment. Good for you! Restylane gets excellent results and is safe and satisfying. In fact, it’s one of our most popular treatments at Monterey Laser...

What Causes Spider Veins?

And What Can You do About Them? Spider veins have been known to make some people so self-conscious that they ban shorts and skirts from their closet forever. These twisty, turning thin purple-and-blue vessels can seem to simply jump out and be a huge distraction. But...