And What Can You do About Them?

Spider veins have been known to make some people so self-conscious that they ban shorts and skirts from their closet forever. These twisty, turning thin purple-and-blue vessels can seem to simply jump out and be a huge distraction. But what causes them? And how do you get rid of them?

One of the first things to know about spider veins is that you don’t have to be “older” to get them. Girls as young as 13 can get them, and if left untreated, they unfortunately just get worse, bigger and multiply. (Fun Fact: women are 2 to 4 times more likely to develop them then men are.)

What causes spider veins?

High Heels

Our circulatory systems weren’t made for high heels. When you wear them, your calf muscles are constantly contracted, making it difficult for those muscles to “pull” blood away from your feet. This increases the chance that blood will pool in your veins and result in spider veins.

Weight and Pregnancy

Obesity adds excess pressure on the veins of the legs (as does pregnancy). Obesity can also cause high blood pressure, which often results in spider veins, as well as lack of exercise.


You can thank you parents. If they have spider veins and you do too, it may be because of them.

Poor Circulation

Standing still for too long, sitting at a desk too long, crossing your legs—these are all culprits of poor circulation, which can result in spider veins.


Sun exposure is one of the lesser-known causes of spider veins, but an important one to note if you love your beach trips and long days in the sun.


Smoking is extremely connected to vein health. Nicotine causes arteries to harden and narrow, and studies have shown that a deep vein thrombosis is 50% more likely in someone who smokes.


Alcohol’s effect on your vein health isn’t talked about as much as other causes, but it’s still noteworthy. Alcohol increases your heart rate, causing it to pump blood faster than normal. This places extra stress on your veins—especially in the lower extremities such as the legs.

Birth Control

Birth control that contains the hormones progesterone and estrogen can cause a woman’s blood flow to slow down, causing them to develop varicose veins. These are the same hormones that can cause them to develop during pregnancy.

So, how do you get rid of your spider veins?

If your spider veins are bothering you, sclerotherapy is a great option to remove them. Sclerotherapy is a treatment in which a micro needle is used to administer a solution into the veins, which causes them to first collapse, then to disappear permanently.

Many people with spider veins have taken advantage of what sclerotherapy can do. If left untreated, the veins will get worse—but with sclerotherapy, they will never return.

If you’re interested in this treatment, please let us know. We’d love to answer any questions you may have. Contact us at Monterey Laser & Skin Care to find out more.