Make Sure Your Specialist is LegitimateLaser Treatment Med Spa

There’s a wide and exciting world of amazing options out there for those who are unhappy with their skin, whether it’s because of acne scarring, sun or age spots, wrinkles, uneven tone, pigmentation, stretch marks, rosacea, or pronounced veins. With the right laser treatment, Botox, or dermal filler, these issues that are bothering you can be greatly improved or eliminated altogether.

However, if you’re like many people, you may be nervous about the person who will be administering your treatment. After all, lasers and needles don’t exactly invite comfort to begin with. Shouldn’t you be absolutely certain that your specialist is, well…a specialist?

While laser and dermal treatments aren’t invasive like surgery, they still require more trust than something like a haircut or manicure. They are widely accepted and popular, but it’s important that you’re completely sure that the spa or clinic you visit employs a licensed staff, as well as an in-house doctor.

Because of the popularity of these treatments, an overwhelming number of facilities are now offering them, even though lasers and fillers may not be their area of expertise. You’ll see quite a few eye doctors, nail salons, and dentist offices that provide cosmetic treatments, but they aren’t always the best choice. It’s better to leave cosmetic treatments to those who were specifically trained.

How do you know that your specialist is legitimate? Here are some things to know.

Your Specialist Should Take a Long Look at You

If you feel that your specialist is in a rush and trying to get you out the door, run for the hills. A professional who cares about your satisfaction will study your face: every line, blemish, spot, and shape. They will do this in order to determine your dosage (in the case of fillers or Botox) or the level of laser you need (if you’re getting laser work done). When it comes to injections, dosage and placement make all the difference.

Run from Groupon-Type Deals

A spa or facility offering “discount Botox” or discount anything to do with lasers or needles is to be heavily avoided. Why? Because discount Botox shows. It’s simply not an area to skimp. Most people who decide to go with cheap injections or laser treatments just end up paying for it later—literally. They have to visit a different specialist for damage control.

A Professional Will Keep Your Records

When it comes to injectables, there is no “one size fits all” amount. This is why a legitimate specialist will keep your unit numbers on file for your future visits. It will help them (and you) to understand what’s working for you. The last amount you received might have been too much, or not enough.

A Real Doctor Should be on Staff

Most states require a licensed doctor to be on staff at any business that administers laser or injectable treatments. While this is the law, many places try to get around this by advertising a “supervising doctor,” which basically means that their doctor is technically employed, but is never around. It’s very important that the business you choose not only has a doctor on staff, but that he or she is actually available. Find a place with a very involved, caring doctor.

At Monterey Laser, we take what we do extremely seriously. As a laser and skin care facility with professional registered nurses, we are committed to providing the smoothest, safest experience for each and every one of our clients with the best technology and products available. Our very own Dr. Brown is in everything we do, and we are far more qualified than some other local centers.

Get to know us here. If you’re considering any laser treatments or dermal fillers, please don’t hesitate to contact us for a free consultation! We look forward to hearing from you.