Can Femilift™ Treat Stress Urinary Incontinence?

Kegels, schmegels. They’re not helping. You’ve stopped wearing light-colored pants because you’re afraid a little urine might leave a wet spot when you cough or sneeze. You’ve told your girlfriends on more than one occasion not to make you laugh or you might pee yourself. Little do they know you’re serious. You’ve resorted to wearing maxi pads or panty liners rather than deal with wet underwear.

So many women, of all ages, deal with the stress and embarrassment of stress urinary incontinence (SUI). So many women think it’s the price of motherhood or a natural part of aging. Child birth and aging are leading causes of SUI, but you don’t have to worry about it every time you cough, sneeze or laugh anymore. If stress urinary incontinence is affecting your life, it’s time to consider the FemiLift™.

How FemiLift™ Treats SUI

As we age, collagen is naturally depleted, which is why our faces (and vaginas) aren’t as tight as they once were. For younger women, childbirth can stretch vaginal muscles and lead to SUI.

FemiLift is an FDA-approved, non-surgical treatment for stress urinary incontinence using Alma’s CO2 laser. Similar to skin resurfacing, think of this procedure is laser resurfacing for the vagina. A slender vaginal probe safely emits laser energy in the vaginal canal – full length and circumference. This energy promotes and stimulates collagen production, just as it does when used for laser skin resurfacing. The result is a tightening of the muscles in the area. Since the CO2 laser promotes collagen, ligaments supporting surrounding the bladder and urethra are strengthened and reduces the leakage due to stress urinary incontinence.

You Can Get FemiLift™ in Monterey, CA

Monterey Laser invested in Alma’s CO2 laser because we listened to our patients. Stress urinary incontinence is a very common and frustrating condition that no one likes talking about, but can be treated easily and painlessly in our office. The FemiLift procedure takes only 10 to 15 minutes with little to zero downtime. And, generally, our patients report remarkable results with just three FemiLift sessions, but many say they can tell a difference after the first appointment. Another benefit beyond freedom from “peeing your pants?” Improved sexual experiences. Since FemiLift tightens vaginal muscles, sexual sensation is heightened.

Let’s talk about whether FemiLift is right for you. Contact our office and we’ll be happy to answer your questions or schedule a complimentary consultation.